Dr. Cara Quant


Dr. Cara Quant

Movement Performance - Eternal Feminine Film
Featured Artist - The Dark Arts
Advisor - Black University

Dr. Cara Quant is an Internal Medicine Physician and Founder of Viva La Vulva, an organization that educates on female sexual health, wellness and multimedia visual arts.

Viva La Vulva’s mission is to break down the barriers that stop both men and women from talking and learning about female sexual health in a way that transcends race, culture, age and geography. A safe engaging platform through art and medical expertise to normalize the concept of female sexual health. A driving force of change in the way female sexual health is perceived.

During her training, Dr. Quant noticed how men’s sexual issues are regularly discussed in the medical community, but women’s sexual health issues are often overlooked. She understands that the language of art can be used for education and as a means of healing. She brought together a diverse team of people with a shared vision to bring the idea of Viva La Vulva into reality.

@drcaraquant @vivalavulvaLA www.vivalavulvaLA.org


Ryan Prows


Anna Beatrice Scott