Our Dark Arts collaboration features artists who promote the mystery and beauty of life, through their creative works.


February Dark Artist | Viva La Vulva LA

Until women are free none are free, therefore female sexuality must be liberated from cultural constraints, religious dogma and double standard morality. No culture should have ownership of the female autonomy through policy, moral or legal. We know of no better revolutionary warrior for the cause of female sexual health and freedom than our friend, and Black University Rock, Dr. Cara Quant. Our first DARK ARTIST and February feature is – Viva La Vulva!

Viva La Vulva is a movement created and organized by Internal Medicine physician, Dr. Cara Quant who noticed how men’s sexual issues are regularly discussed in the medical community, but women’s sexual health issues are often overlooked.. “Education is the key to overcoming,” says Dr. Quant. She understands that the language of art can be used for education and as a means of healing. She brought together a diverse team of people with a shared vision to bring the idea of Viva La Vulva into reality.

Visit: www.vivalavulvala.org

Lili Bernard


Listen up as Dr. Cara Quant explores more
in Viva La Vulva, The Podcast.



“Desire is the compass that points me towards what is alive and activating,
both in my life and my art making."

— AlphaChanneling


For centuries the usage of the phrases Dark Arts and Black Magic have cemented the words darkness and black to evil. This prejudicial usage is a cornerstone of empire culture. Our Dark Arts Feature will highlight artists who create human freedom by pushing back against this mythology and dogma.


Viva la Vulva
Phoenix Savage (Part 1)
Phoenix Savage (Part 2)
Chris Wells
Cole James
Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza
Xiana - Black Sun Academy