Skipp Townsend


Skipp Townsend

Rock - Black University
Co-Producer - A Matter Of Black Lives

For numerous years Skipp Townsend has been a key interventionist to the city of Los Angeles Gang  Reduction Youth Development (GRYD).  

Skipp responds to incidents of violence in the community at the same time law enforcement is deployed  to investigate. Skipp uses his community relationships to calm matters, control rumors and reduce  retaliation between the victims emotional family members, friends and the community believed to be  responsible. 

Skipp Townsend, is the founder and CEO of 2nd Call, a violence reduction and reentry organization  serving the greater Los Angeles area. He served as an executive board member of the Southern  California Cease Fire Committee and currently sits on two highly distinguished boards in Los Angeles,  County. Skipp Townsend is one of 5 individuals chosen to the Los Angeles, District Attorney's office  Advisory Council and also chosen to serve on the Community Advisory Board for the University of  Southern California (USC).  

Prior to 2nd Call and his work in the community, Mr. Townsend was identified as an active gang member  in the CAL Gangs database used by law enforcement to identify local gang affiliates. After transitioning  from a negative life style, Mr. Townsend received various forms of formalized training, such as; Grief Recovery by Russell Friedman; Imagine 21 by Lou Tice and the Pacific Institute; California State  University LA- Pat Brown Institute; training through the University of Southern California School of  Public Policy collaboration with the Advancement Project /Urban Peace Academy; the California  Cognitive Behavioral Institutes Mathis & Associates Training Program; the National Building Trades  Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) Instructors "Train the Trainer"; USC Non-Profit and Resilient Leaders  and Capacity Building Programs and a host of other trainings.  

As a community activist, Mr. Townsend currently facilitates intervention trainings for Los Angeles city  certified intervention workers and law enforcement officials. Mr. Townsend also regularly facilitates  trauma informed life skills courses throughout various communities in the greater Los Angeles area  along with facilitating course through various California prisons. Because of his personal history,  experience and training, Mr. Townsend has been requested to facilitate trainings nationally, including Fontana, CA, Sacramento, CA; Chicago, Illinois, Memphis, TN, Columbus, Ohio, Anniston, AL; and  Douglasville Georgia.


Kylan Townsend


Stephanie Turner