Myko Lyric


Myko Lyric

Co-Producer – A Matter Of Black Lives

Myko Lyric is a synesthete born and raised in Mid City, Los Angeles. Ever since a little girl she remembers correlating color with sounds, movements, numbers, and letters. Although having elementary visual art skills, this has allowed the process of creating to become a colorful canvas that invokes different feelings depending on the hues involved. Over time, she learned that no matter the field of art or the idea(s) expressed, if it didn't trigger a series of colors within her mind, it did not reach her soul.

Although her goal is to touch someone else's heart and soul, she does not believe a creator's art can reach another soul if it hasn't yet reached their own. This epiphany was implemented into her songwriting, recording, choreography, and even event planning process. The colors she sees when she closes her eyes guide her inwards and act as a compass toward her deepest emotions. Darkness, to her, is not when everything goes black. Rather, it is when you finally lose the dependency on the eyes and use your various methods of inner guidance to see. 

All Social Media: @mykolyric


Onyi Love


Natali Micciche